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When does the ‘The Only Way is Up!’ Conference takes place?

On Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 November 2019.

Where does the conference takes place?

At Van Nelle Fabriek, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. You can find all the information about the location here.

Can I also attend one day of the conference?

Yes, you can. You can buy a ticket for one of the two days via this link.

Who is organising the ‘The Only Way is Up!’ Conference?

The conference is organised by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fairfood, Fairtrade, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Hivos, Rainforest Alliance and IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative.

What is the objective of the conference?

The aim of the conference is to strengthen the living wage and living income movement.

Can I buy tickets at the door?

No, you need to buy tickets for the conference prior to the conference days. Seats for the conference are limited, so make sure to buy tickets at your earliest convenience.